PS Investment

(Venture Capital)

PS Investment

(Venture Capital)

We are dedicated to discovering and nurturing new business opportunities for future growth.
By backing innovative and emerging businesses, we ensure they have the support and resources needed to thrive in competitive markets.

License Type : New Technology Venture Capital
Governing Law : Specialized Credit Finance Business Act
Regulatory Authority : Financial Supervisory Service, Financial Services Commission
License Type
New Technology Venture Capital
Governing Law
Specialized Credit Finance Business Act
Regulatory Authority
Financial Supervisory Service, Financial Services Commission

Growth Capital

Growth-stage investments to support company expansion
Development of mid-to-long-term business and IPO strategies for portfolio companies

Venture Capital

Early-stage investments to foster innovation and growth in startups
Active involvement in portfolio companies, offering strategic guidance and providing financial resources to scale operations


본점 이전 안내

2024-07-12 09:00
당사 아래와 같이 본점 이전하였습니다.

이전연월일 : 2024년 7월 8일

이전 전 : 서울특별시 영등포구 국제금융로 6길 33, 내제 10층 1002호 (여의도동)

이전 후 : 서울특별시 영등포구 여의나루로 67, 701호 (여의도동)
Total 8
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